Finance minister says no bad blood with SARS Commissioner Kieswetter
South African Revenue Service (SARS) - Latest News
12/03, 15:34
Godongwana boosts SA Revenue Service's ability to collect more tax
10/03, 17:18
MK Party march against VAT increase
10/03, 17:15
MK Party says SARS must be capacitated to go after wealthy people & corporations
07/03, 14:47
Multi-disciplinary team raids storage facility for illicit goods in White River
24/02, 04:47
SACP backs Kieswetter in suggestion that capacitating SARS better could resolve SA revenue shortfall
20/02, 10:15
STEFAN KRITZINGER: SARS getting aggressive with non-compliance – businesses need to shape up or ship out
23/12, 06:30
Two suspects arrested for attempted murder of advocate Coreth Naudé
26/11, 17:03
Kwezanamuhla: Kuhlasele amaphoyisa neSARS kwaShauwn Mkhize, bebesenkantolo abasolwa baseLusikisiki
26/11, 12:41
SARS officials raid Shauwn Mkhize's Durban home
11/11, 08:45
Calm restored to Lebombo border post following Mozambique unrest
11/11, 05:20
Mozambique protests: BMA, SARS closely monitoring Lebombo border post
09/11, 12:34
BMA and SARS collaborating to clear cargo backlog at Lebombo port of entry
31/10, 06:37
Windfall from two-pot withdrawals not enough to plug tax revenue collection shortfall - SARS
23/10, 05:22
SARS not being used as a political tool - Kieswetter
22/10, 15:59
SARS makes R6 billion in taxes from two-pot system withdrawals
22/10, 11:38
SARS collects R1.74 trillion in revenue for 2023/24 financial year
14/10, 05:18
Two-pot retirement withdrawals surpassed R21bn in less than 2 months - SARS
10/10, 18:40
Almost 6 million SAns have cryptocurrency accounts, and SARS is coming for them
27/09, 07:36
High Court refuses SARS leave to appeal order stopping it from monitoring tobacco manufacturers
25/09, 12:59
Over 1,000 people owe SARS over R10m each - Godongwana
17/09, 06:49
FITA confident in case brought against SARS over CCTV cameras in tobacco factories
16/09, 17:25
FITA says court bid to stop SARS installing CCTV cameras in factories to protect employees' rights
16/09, 16:07
FITA slams SARS bid to overturn interdict barring it from installing CCTV cameras at tobacco-manufacturing warehouses
16/09, 10:30
SARS says court erred in banning it from installing CCTV cameras in tobacco warehouses
13/09, 07:53
Pravin Gordhan laid the foundation at SARS, says Kieswetter
13/09, 04:04